Top 10 Apps For Managing Social Media Campaigns

Every savvy business owner knows that Social media is here to stay. So what do you do? How do you get to grips with this new form of marketing? Well the most efficient way is to engage a PR firm that excels in social media marketing and who can help you achieve your branding goals.

However, if you like to tinker with apps yourself – here are the top 10 apps for managing social media campaigns:

1. Tabsite

This company helps businesses leverage their Facebook pages and boost fan engagement, drive traffic and increase brand exposure. You can create custom tabs with sub-pages and run promos or contests on your Facebook pages. They also have tools for Pinterest and Instagram.

2. Chirpify

Operating through the use of unique #tags you can set up campaigns in Twitter, Facebook or Instagram – customers interact by using these #tags when they post on social media.

3. FaceItPages

Provide DIY tools for you to create custom Facebook landing tabs which are easily installed on your Facebook page. Great for contact and subscriber forms, product listings, blog feeds and works with Pinterest, Tumblr, Flickr and Twitter.

4. Mention

Track trending topics on social media and monitor keywords in real-time – find out what the social media is saying about your company!

5. Tagboard

Tracks #tags across all major social media – Twitter, Instagram and Google+, and shows you where and how the #tags are being used. It combines and displays the information from multiple social media outlets in an easily understood and comprehensive format.

6. Klout

Klout appFind out how influential you are in social media by measuring how people respond to your posts with a score between 1 and 100. Your Klout score is updated daily from 400+ signals from eight different networks. The more social networks you interact with the greater your Klout!

7. TweetDeck

Allows you to tweet from multiple accounts and to organize twitter replies, direct messages and retweets into different groups. You can receive real-time updates, use TwitPic to upload photos and you can update other connected sites such as Facebook.

8. Buffer

Helps you share content on social media – you can schedule posts across multiple accounts such as Facebook, Google+ or Twitter. You can set your tweets or posts on automatic – enough for a week or more and just add them to the scheduling queue. Buffer analyses Twitter usage and posts your content when usage is high. It uses a time zone specific scheduler which you can easily over-ride if you prefer to post at other times.

9. FullContact

All your contacts in one place – sync contacts from multiple social networks and even share them with friends or colleagues. FullContact automatically keeps all your contacts up-to-date, adds photos, names, titles and social profiles – all in one contact file.

10. Flipboard

Fed up of searching for your daily news? Well let Flipboard source and collect all the news of interest to you in one place. It is your own personal magazine filled with interesting daily news, videos and photos that you can share with colleagues, friends or clients via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

These are just 10 of the social media apps available to your business – but if you feel that this is all too much – then contact a reliable PR firm to organise and boost your social media standing.

This article was written by Susan Beaven who is an independent marketing specialist and social media consultant.
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